Haircut You > Gross You

I’m just gonna come out and say it – nothing in the world makes me want to have romantic, consensual sex with myself more than when I get a new haircut.

It’s basically like getting a completely new mind, body, and soul. I mean think about it for a second. As the hair grows, the sex appeal depletes, and as the sex appeal depletes, the confidence shrinks, and as the confidence shrinks, the alcoholism sky rockets, and as the alcoholism sky rockets, the depression kicks in, and as the depression kicks in, the hair grows, and THAT, my friends, is what we call a vicious cycle.

But once you see Uncle Vinny, or what ever your racially and sexually ambiguous barbers name is, and he or she gives you that gorgeous cut – boom – you’re instantly a new man.

I’m sure you guys understand what I’m talking about from a conceptual level, but it might be easier to explain if I use some actual examples. Let’s take a look at exhibit A:

This young man was feeling down about himself, so he went to see his hair dresser. These two pictures are 30 minutes apart.

And then there is this nice gentleman. He went through the vicious cycle I described earlier but decided enough was enough. This is a before and after of him getting a trim prior to his sons Bar Mitzvah.

Another prime example can be found below:

Or what about this one – here is a real transformation from yours truly:


I don’t have a closing paragraph. Thank you for your time.

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